Productive Sunday

by | Sep 16, 2012 | Blog, Books, Writing

I got into the online Romance Novel Writing course and have 10-15 pages due at 12pm ET tomorrow. I’ve written nine so far today and will see how many I can get done this evening. Except Leverage comes on in two hours…

Instead of writing this morning, I spent two hours figuring out how to use Visual Basic and program some Excel macros. I also learned how to use data input forms. Way more than I ever wanted to know, but it got me back into programming and I felt some of my geek coming back.

I’ve spent two years wanting to write this contemporary romance but could not for the life of me figure out where I wanted to start the story. I’d attempted to start it a couple times but still didn’t get anywhere. I specifically picked it to work on during the novel writing class. When I posted what my story was about, a couple members of the online class said they loved the idea. Of course, then I immediately wanted to change a small bit of the premise, but since a few people said they liked the idea, I forced myself to stick with it. The words are coming a bit easier this time than they had the previous times I’d tried writing this story.

I got to read Kit Rocha‘s new book Beyond Shame and I finished it early Saturday morning. Like 12:30 a.m. It’s excellent. It’s a dystopian, post-apocalyptic, erotic romance and I loved it.

Back to it. I’ve got one to six pages to write tonight. Oh, and polish the two-sentence synopsis and the two-paragraph synopsis that I need to turn in as well.


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