by Shari Mikels | Jan 1, 2013 | Life, Writing
I started 2013 off by backing up all the photos on my phone and then deleting a few hundred of the thousand on there trying to free up some space. Carbonite is working hard to back all of them up. Oops. I also whittled one of my inboxes down from 400+ emails to around...
by Shari Mikels | Aug 20, 2012 | Life
My son’s first permanent tooth has cut through the gum completely. The problem is that it came in very far inside his mouth, behind the baby tooth itself. The baby tooth has been loose for several months. We could wiggle it a little but it was never to the...
by Shari Mikels | Aug 19, 2012 | Life
Dear Shan, Donna, and Bree, In Mary Kay, the most prestigious award is the Go-Give award. Each month, a director is named Miss Go-Give for her seminar area and then out of those twelve, an annual Miss Go-Give is named. The Go-Give award is given to directors who give...